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Watch: YouShoot with Missy Hyatt

 Kayfabe Commentaries used to release a shoot interview series called "YouShoot". YouShoot was revolutionary in the field of shoot interviews because for the first time a company was releasing a shoot interview series where every single question comes from the fans! 

Before in shoot interviews (such as those by RF Video and they were questions that the interviewer may have studied for to find out what to ask the person being interviewed. YouShoot came out when Social Media was just becoming big and it put the power in the fans hands to send in either questions or videos asking wrestlers/personalities any questions they wanted. 

Then during the course of the interview, the host Sean Oliver would either read off or play the videos from the fans and the person would answer the question. No questions were ever really left unasked either, even if it were the hilarious "How big is Batista's dick" question that seemed to be a running joke in the series. 

As of late, it appears Kayfabe Commentaries, for whatever reason, hasn't been releasing any more of them. However, while the series was still out they got to interview a slew of ex-ECW stars/personalities such as ECW founder Tod Gordon, The Sandman, Perry Saturn and a whole slew of others. 

Now, every month Kayfabe Commentaries official YouTube channel releases for FREE entire episodes of their shoot interview series as a way to make more sales of their online streaming system. 

The latest  FRRE episode of YouShoot is with ex-ECW valet and the always controversial "Walking Riot" Missy Hyatt! Check it out below, and remember to always check out their official YouTube channel as they switch the free ones out every month with a new set of free episodes! Enjoy!

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